Case Studies
We step up and step in as our projects and your needs demand.
Office of the People’s Counsel
When the Office of the People’s Counsel (OPC) launched in 1975, the nation was racked by an energy crisis that produced soaring gas and electric utility rates, giving birth to the quasi-government…
From Prose to Protest
Team McKinney, supported by our associate Mariah McClain, joined with Kathy Engel to salute the historic struggle of Black people against the assault on their bodies; from the football field, to the…
Black Voters Matter Fund
LaTosha Brown and Cliff Albright never doubted Senate hopeful Doug Jones would prevail over Roy Moore in Alabama’s special election (December 2017). That’s because the co-founders of the Black Voters…
Marion Barry Youth Leadership Institute
The late Washington, D.C. Mayor, Marion Barry, created a storied program teaching generations of young people lessons in leadership and civic engagement. The Marion Barry Youth Leadership Institute…
JustUS Voices
The McKinney team quickly moved to showcase and package the narratives of formerly incarcerated women recruited by Burton and A New Way of Life's far-reaching network. Within a six-month span,…
Showcasing the City of Lights
With rare and spellbinding footage, filmmaker Joanne Burke and cinematographer David Burke journey to the ‘Paradise for Negroes,’ an escape from the crushing daily life in early 20th Century America…
American Postal Workers Union
A bad joke? No, a congressional imposition on the U.S. Postal Service. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 mandates that the USPS pay out nearly $104 billion by 2016 to cover future…
Moving Pictures
Zooming in with the sharp racial-justice lens that defines our work, we promote films that capture the saga of rights and equality. More than mere exposure, we create conversations—engaging diverse…
Built upon a foundation of social justice, we amplify voices unheard or ignored.
From idea to action. See how we can transform your pursuits into compelling campaigns.
Built upon a foundation of social justice, we amplify voices unheard or ignored.
From idea to action. See how we can transform your pursuits into compelling campaigns.
Get in touch.Join us in this enterprise without walls.

Whether counseling the nation’s most influential racial justice thought leaders or crafting campaigns that invite public action, our strategic goals and outcomes are dedicated to the most important policy issues of our time.

Whether counseling the nation’s most influential racial justice thought leaders or crafting campaigns that invite public action, our strategic goals and outcomes are dedicated to the most important policy issues of our time.
Our Partners through the Years
Civil and Human Rights
A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project
Advancement Project
American Civil Liberties Union
American Friends Service Committee
Americans for a Fair Chance
Amnesty International USA
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
Democracy Alliance
Equal Justice Society
Human Rights Watch
Hill-Snowdon Foundation
Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
National Council of Churches
National Organization for Women
National Rainbow Coalition
Praxis Project
Sierra Club
Southern Regional Council
The Opportunity Agenda
Tides Election Administration
United Church of Christ—Commission for Racial Justice
Health & Philanthropy
American Cancer Society
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Ford Foundation
Groundswell Fund
Open Society Institute
Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Rosenberg Foundation
The California Endowment
Twenty-First Century Foundation
Unitarian Universalists Veatch Program
University of California San Francisco’s Center on Social Disparities in Health
African National Congress
Republic of Angola
Republic of Haiti
Republic of Mozambique
Republic of Namibia
TransAfrica Forum
Workers’ Rights
Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689
American Postal Workers Union
American Rights at Work
Communications Workers of America
Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO
Service Employees International Union
United Food and Commercial Workers
University of California Berkeley Labor Center for Research and Education
Department of Homeland Security
District of Columbia—Office of Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
Federal Aviation Administration
National Institutes of Health
Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services
United States Department of Agriculture
National Education Association
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
United States Student Association International
University of the District of Columbia—State Education Agency
Films, Books & Authors
And Justice For All…, Mary Frances Berry (Knopf Publishing)
Beyond Brown: Pursuing the Promise, Firelight Media
Blues Dancing, Diane McKinney-Whetstone (Harper Collins)
Citizen King, American Experience
Colorblind: Seeing Beyond Race in a Race-Obsessed World, by Ellis Cose (Harper Collins)
Eyes on the Prize, American Experience
Leaving Cecil Street, Diane McKinney-Whetstone (Harper Collins)
Lift Every Voice, Lani Guinier
The Murder of Emmet Till, Firelight Media
National Public Radio
The Pig Farmer’s Daughter, Mary Frances Berry (Random House)
The Pill, American Experience
Public Broadcasting Corporation
Race—The Power of an Illusion, California Newsreel
The Raising of America, California Newsreel
South End Press
Tumbling, Dianne McKinney-Whetstone (William Morrow)
Tyranny of the Majority, Lani Guinier (Simon & Schuster)
United States Commission on Civil Rights
Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?, California Newsreel